In February 2021, the Government announced it intends to repeal the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA) through three Bills. These reforms are an once in a generation change to the management of our environment in Aotearoa New Zealand.
Two bills are now at the select committee stage; the Spatial Planning Bill and the Natural and Built Environment Bill.
For a copy of the Spatial Planning Bill click here.
For a copy of the Natural and Built Environment Bill click here.
Te Tai Kaha Māori Collective (Federation of Māori Authorities, New Zealand Māori Council and Ngā Kaiārahi o Te Mana o te Wai Māori) Technical Advisors have prepared “primers” to assist with understanding the implications of these Bills from a Māori perspective, which Māori rights, interests and responsibilities in the environment the Bills recognises, and how well those rights are protected.
The “primers” cover the key themes within the Spatial Planning Bill and Natural and Built Environment Bill, and whether or not these Bills as drafted will give effect to Te Tiriti o Waitangi.
Submissions close at 11.59pm on Sunday 5th February 2023.
Kia ora
We’ve been working in the Te Mana o te Wai space in the past 12 months with our focus on cleaning up our Awa in te rohe o Mataatua!
It’s a must then to put a submission in..
Thank you for your vigilance and letting us all know!
We the Manuel Pou Family Whanau Trust appose the bill as it fails to comply to the rules regulations legislation policies obligations legislative KAWANATANGA duties in the
1. The international law which APPLYS to
2. The contra proferentem principle APPLYS To
The human rights act
The Bill of rights acts
The class actions sections13 act
3. The Independent Te Whakaputunga 1835 act TINORANGATIRATANGA which takes precedence holds principal of all hapu tangata whenua taonga assets royalties under
4. Te Tiriti O Waitangi and its 4binding founding founded articles constituted contract agreement sworn in on the holy bible on oath to honor an obey signed witnessed on te tiriti grounds 06.02.1840 act with England’s head of state Queen Victoria her parishes SERVICEMEN her civil defence servicemen an the sovereign INDEPENDENT INDIGENOUS TANGATA WHENUA of Aotearoha
5. The Maori Affairs Trusted Deeds Vesting Orders 1953 act
6. The Child Youth an Families care an protections 1989 act
7. Te Ture Whenua 1993 act
None of these acts have ever been met an have never been aligned nor amended too everythink. Must be implemented instantly.
Everythink must be returned to maori
Signing up to tautoko
Is there a link to watch the two briefi hs that have already taken place. If not are there any information online zooms planned for the public.
Our whanau trust have lodged their submission, Raihi Gertrude Tupuna Davies raua ko William Grant Trust of Aotea, Great Barrier Island
More info please
Kia ora Ngaire, the post contains links to the Primers that were prepared by the Te Tai Kaha team, they have additional information.
Hi Maginerangi.
Thank you for your korero.
I certainly am against this reform.
I’m sorry but I just seen Annettes panui this morning to make a submission.
Nga mihi.
Christine Kidwell.