FOMA | Muka Tangata Partnership

In 2021 Government stood up 6 Workforce Development Councils (WDCs) as part of the Reform of Vocational Education. The purpose of the WDCs is to give their industries and employers greater leadership and influence across vocational education.

Muka Tangata – People, Food and Fibre Workforce Development Council will contribute to the creation of sustainable, globally engaged, and adaptive Aotearoa in tertiary education,

Muka Tangata represents industries including dairy, sheep, beef, deer, pork, poultry, and other livestock farming; arable farming; horticulture; viticulture & winemaking; forestry, silviculture & harvesting; fishing, aquaculture & seafood processing; equine and racing; sports turf management; veterinary; and food and fibre support industries. Around 367,000 people are employed in food and fibre workplaces and related industries – about 13.4% of the total New Zealand workforce.

Te hunga kei te iho o ā tātou kai, ā tātou muka ki tua

People at the heart of our food and fibre future

FOMA Executive Committee are pleased to announce a partnership with Muka Tangata and have developed a position to work on projects and initiatives that relate to workforce development in line with FOMA members’ aspirations. Being able to connect FOMA members with an advisor who can assist them in realising their long term goals for employment pathways makes for a very exciting future for FOMA members and our whanau in the food and fibre sectors. We look forward to the opportunities that it opens up for FOMA members.

  • Te Haumako – Muka Tangata Māori Workforce Development Plan
    Muka Tangata have recnetly published Te Haumako, their Māori Workforce Development Plan for the food and fibre sector in Aotearoa, New Zealand. Te Haumako, the soil symbolises how Muka Tangata has embeded te tirohanga Māori (Māori perspectives) into their work. The plan outlines key broad areas of work, and brings together 19 ongoing actions that …

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    Muka Tangata has begun work on a Māori Workforce Development Plan (MWDP) for the food and fibre sector, and are pleased to release a video introduction to the project. Māori comprise a major positive demographic opportunity for our industries and will make up around a quarter of the under 40 potential workforce by 2040. It …

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  • Forestry Earthworks Survey
    Muka Tangata is seeking feedback on the learning outcomes of the newly proposed micro-credentials for the Forestry Earthworks industry. Muka Tangata has developed 7 micro-credentials that recognise ākonga (learners) specific skills, experience and knowledge. In developing the new credentials with industry, the result is fit for purpose, flexible, and future-proof credentials for the Forest industry. View …

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  • New Council Members (Muka Tangata)
    Muka Tangata Council are pleased to welcome two new members. Renee Rooney and Cheyenne Wilson have been appointed by Minister of Education Jan Tinetti. Cheyenne and Renee will join the Council at their next hui in Pōneke Wellington in June.   Chair, Erin Simpson (Taranaki, Te Atiawa) says “I am excited to work with Renee and Cheyenne and welcome …

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  • A New Approach to Learner Pathways
    A New Approach to Learner Pathways A new discussion document from Muka Tangata examines how good qualification, standard, and micro-credential design can enable greater flexibility in vocational education and training. A New Approach to Learner Pathways responds to engagement and discussion between Muka Tangata and the food and fibre sector, iwi and hapū Māori and …

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