Call For Submissions

Calling for Submissions.

Recently Te Aukaha FOMA held a series of online consultation hui on He Waka Eke Noa.

As Māori landowners/farmers/growers and Māori Agri business professionals, the feedback we receive from you is important. It provides valuable insights and supports decision making within the He Waka Eke Noa programme.

Submissions are being called for now. We urge you to complete a submission and return it to by Tuesday 22 March, to ensure you as kaitiaki of whenua Māori are best positioned for Greenhouse Gas Emissions which will be priced from 2025.

As a minimum please support:

  • Farm Level pricing option.
  • The ability to offset emissions against Sequestration as defined, with a baseline date of 1990.
  • That the owners of land with sequestration assets can lease their sequestration to others wishing to offset their agricultural emissions

The technical team have created the below video and have uploaded their latest presentation for your information at

If you need additional information please make contact:

Please visit HERE for a submission template

1 thought on “Call For Submissions”

  1. Ka pai Hilton great korero … you might need to repeat it for te whanau especially in these times now the whenua is irreparably broken from pine trees. How do we get out of these forestry contracts on our whenua????


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